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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Demokrasi itu aturan rakyat..

Diera Globalisasi yang menuntun suatu negara untuk memberikan suatu gerakan yang dinamakan gerakan Demokrasi, dapat dikatakan suatu dobrakan yang kedepannya mensejajarkan suatu pandangan politik antara rakyat dan Pemerintah.
Pemerintahan dari kata dasar Perintah, dapat dianalogikan suatu golongan yang memiliki tampuk kekuasaan yang seyogyanya memimpin suatu golongan. Negara merupakan golongan yang memiliki suatu kesamaan dalam arti luas dan sejarah; pencaplokan daerah kekuasaan (disebut batas suatu negara). 
Kekuasaan adalah suatu kata yang selalu mengarah ke konotasi negatif jika itu mengarah antara hubungan horizontal (Tidak untuk TUHAN YME). Namun yang jadi permasalahan sekarang, suatu negara yang tidak memberlakukan asas DEMOKRASI adalah negara yang pemerintahnya menguasai atas suatu negara (atau negara yang GAGAL untuk memberlakukan adil terhadap rakyat dalam aturan Negara tersebut).
Mengapa itu terjadi??
Awal mulanya, karena pola pemikiran  seorang manusia sudah menyepakati dari artian Hak Asasi Manusia adalah segala-galanya untuk membangun "Satu Kesatuan " dan Kehidupan saling menguntungkan sesamanya. Namun Pola itu bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk dilaksanakan antar sesamanya, Bukan suatu golongan jika disebut Negara, Bukan suatu golongan jika disebut Ras, Bukan suatu golongan jika disebut Agama dan lain-lain. 
Jika golongan tersebut tidak memberikan suatu respon yang mengarah suatu kerja sama maka Demokrasi suatu Negara itu  mengalami Cacat dalam hal "Ketergantungan Demokrasi".. iya Negara harus memberikan suatu policy yang cukup andil antara Rakyat dan Pemerintah..
Disini Penulis hanya membatasi "Demokrasi" yang sifatnya mengarah sikap policy rakyat terhadap pemerintah.. jika membahas arti luas Demokrasi harus lebih luas pengalaman penulis memberikan aspek kedepannya untuk blogger ini... 
Rakyat Dan Pemerintah adalah sama-sama hidup di kalangan sesamanya.. Pemerintah itu adalah suatu pilihan kelompok rakyat agar menjadi pemimpin untuk kelompoknya. Lalu mengapa adanya Demokrasi???
Demokrasi itu menurut penulis adalah bukan arti kesepakatan sempit, tapi secara luas, Namun adanya kelompok minoritas yang kurang sepakat itulah yang mengarahkan lebih kompleksitas antara hubungan Demokrasi tearah ataupun reformasi mengarah kerevolusi ;jika tindakan pemerintah yang keras (atau disebut REZIM bagi kelompok menentang)..  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grow Taller And Rejuvenate Your Vitality Through Various Sports And Nutritional Sequences

Energy needed for growing taller while practicing an endurance sport depends on body size, duration of activity, and overall effort. For the elite athlete that may be as high as 4,000 to 6,000 calories daily, chosen from a high-carbohydrate diet. Best sources: nutrient-rich foods to grow taller from all groups of foods.

Non-endurance sports like: baseball, bowling, golf, martial arts, softball, speed skating, sprint swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and weight lifting are fueled by short bursts of energy, perhaps just for two or three minutes or even several seconds. While these sports take an intense, all-out effort, they don't use as much energy overall because their duration is shorter but, they still help you to grow taller.

Still, non-endurance sports to grow taller might be of high or moderate intensity. The overall energy demand to grow taller depends not only on the duration but also on the intensity and the athlete's body size. For some athletes, weight cycling is an issue. Those who weigh more during their off-season may need to drop a few pounds for training and competition. Others need to "bulk up," perhaps to train and compete in contact sports. Either way, what's the healthful, most effective approach to your best competitive weight?

Whatever your sport, for your peak performance, enter the competitive season at your best weight. Instead of trying to "make weight" quickly to train and compete, stay at your best weight always while you grow taller. For athletic performance (strength, speed, endurance), your body composition is more important than your weight-even if you compete in a weight category. (That's true for non-athletes growing taller, too.) Health risks go up as the proportion of body fat increases beyond "healthy." A lean, muscular body has benefits beyond athletics and good looks: overall fitness for life!

What's healthy for athletes? There's no single body fat percentage to aim for, even for the same sport. For your own best performance, the percent body fat for you depends on the body type you were growing taller with. Too little body fat not only jeopardizes athletic performance but also general growing taller health. In general, less than 5 percent body fat for men, and less than 12 percent body fat for women, has been defined as risky; the percent body fat that's considered risky for you may differ.

Do you need to lose weight to grow taller? Choose an approach that helps you lose fat, not muscle. Start your weight loss strategies ahead well before training and competition. Then maintain your healthy weight as you grow taller you must have energy and strength when you need them most. Most important, set a weight goal that's realistic and healthy for you-one that considers your body composition and that offers the best competitive edge for your sport.

If you need to drop a few pounds to grow taller, make your weight loss gradual: ½ to 1 pound a week. To lose about 1 pound a week, cut back on your day's energy intake by about 250 calories and boost your training to burn 250 calories more. (Hint: 1 pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories.) To cut back on calories, follow guidelines of grow taller 4 smarts info at a calorie level that's lower for you than usual, and somewhat lower in calories than what your body uses to grow taller.

What's the right body composition for growing taller if your time is used for sports? For people involved in substantial physical training, the percent of body fat is less than that considered healthy for most people. Body fat ranges vary from athlete to athlete, sport to sport, and even for a specific position or event on a team. If you're a serious, perhaps an elite, athlete, talk to your physician, qualified trainer, or registered dietitian to set your goal for body fat composition and growing taller.

Remember that carbohydrates are the fuel that your working muscles need to grow taller and bigger. Get most of your energy from starches (complex carbohydrates): grain products, including whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Cut back on higher-fat foods.

Be aware that a quick regime that's low in calories may interfere with your physical performance, first by shorting your energy supply to grow taller. With many quick regimens you may lose muscle, along with body fat, and deplete your stores of muscle glycogen. Weight loss may be partly water loss a problem for athletes, who need to keep adequately hydrated to grow taller.

In your off-season training program, learn to maintain weight so you stay at the best weight for your sport. To lose weight in a healthful way and grow taller. The notion that you can never be too thin or too lean may compromise your physical performance! Athletes obsessed with a lean, thin body risk eating disorders and all the dangers (some life-threatening) that accompany severe weight loss while growing taller. Among the other concerns, for athletes, a body that's too lean may not sweat and cool down properly. The chance for dehydration goes up, and physical endurance is reduced.
If you're a wrestler, weight lifter, oarsman, boxer, or body builder who competes in a weight category, body weight may be critically important. Being the heaviest competitor in a lower weight class often is believed to provide a competitive edge. Even an extra pound or two may affect weight class or performance.
Water weight is not unnecessary body weight, so sweating off pounds to make weight for wrestling or any other sport only hinders performance. Because it leads to dehydration which is bad for growing taller, losing as little as 2 to 3 percent of body weight from sweat (e.g., 3 or 4 pounds, or 6 to 8 cups of fluid, in a 150-pound athlete) can be very dangerous. Even a 1 percent weight loss from fluid loss makes a difference!
Fasting, or drastically cutting back on food, isn't healthy or performance enhancing to grow taller, either! And feeling hungry is distracting. More importantly, with fasting, your body won't store the muscle glycogen you need as energy for growing taller and bigger muscles during training and competition. A careful healthful eating plan to grow taller that starts well before "weigh in" It is the smartest way to grow taller to reach and stay in your weight class. Without ongoing, sensible weight management you might continue with the same weight dilemma and "weight cycle" for the next competition and all other ones.

Hockey and football are among the sports to grow taller where extra body weight aids performance. Trying to "bulk up" too fast, however, may put more fat on than muscle especially if you eat extra calories to grow taller without enough exercise. If you're already in strenuous training, gaining weight may not be as easy as it sounds. You may use energy faster than you consume it!

To build stronger muscle, engage in strength-building activity for growing taller and bigger muscles and consume enough energy from food. Contrary to popular myth, you need only a little extra protein to help build muscle, from a variety of nutritious foods. Get most of your extra energy from nutrient-rich, high-carbohydrate foods for example, granola or muesli topped with nuts or dried fruit.

It's the day of the big event. You're excited and perhaps a bit anxious. You've trained hard. What should you eat to maximize your performance? Your game plan now-what you eat before, during, and after competition or a heavy workout-makes a difference. For endurance events, think further ahead-before your pre-event meal. Several days beforehand, you might eat more carbohydrates and gradually rest your muscles. In that way, you'll store extra muscle glycogen to grow taller and bigger muscles and won't tire as quickly during the event.

On competition day, even carefully planned meals can't make up for a poor muscles not growing taller. Eat for fitness all along.

Before competition? Choose a pre-event meal or snack-light, easy to digest, high-carbohydrate-that matches your physical performance goals. In that way you can perform to your ability without tiring too soon. Eating helps prevent the distraction of hunger pangs. Although eating won't provide immediate energy, it can supply energy for exercises to grow taller that lasts an hour or more. Drink enough, too, to fully hydrate your body before strenuous exercise.

Finish eating one to four hours before your workout or competition. That allows enough time for food to digest so you don't feel full or uncomfortable. Choose a small meal or snack. The amount depends on what makes you feel comfortable. High "carbs." Enjoy a high-"carb" meal or snack that's moderate in protein and low in fat. It gets digested and absorbed faster. (About ½ gram to 2 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight is about right.)

Make pasta, rice, potatoes, or bread the "center" of your plate. A high-fat meal may cause indigestion or nausea with heavy exercises to grow taller.

About competing on an empty stomach? You're better off eating. Food consumed within four hours of physical activity is used as fuel for working muscles to grow taller and bigger. For morning events, eating is especially important for endurance. It replenishes liver glycogen and helps maintain your blood sugar level. Don't skip breakfast, just eat something light!

What to eat before competition if you feel too nervous to eat? Drinking a liquid meal supplement or a fruit milk shake might help. It provides nutrients to grow taller and fluids needed for competition. And it might be more easily digested and absorbed than a full meal. Liquid meals also contribute fluids.
If fructose tablets during prolonged exercise are a good energy source to grow taller? Fructose isn't converted to energy as fast as glucose is; fructose converts to liver glycogen first. You're better off with a drink that offers glucose or sucrose. Fructose also can cause gastrointestinal distress (bloating, cramping, or diarrhea).

Can a "complete nutrition supplement to grow taller" perhaps an energy bar or drink, or a power gel, aids performance? Not only "complete nutrition," energy bars and drinks may be an energy source, but not a meal replacement, for physical activity. Power gels supply "carbs," too, but usually few vitamins or minerals. A quick check of the Nutrition Facts reveals their calorie and nutrient contribution. Although energy bars, drinks, or gels may be convenient during an endurance event, eat fruit or a starchy snack such as a bagel afterward instead.

Where to get nutrition advice for opimal athletic performance while growing taller? find out if your food choices help or hinder your training? Talk to a sports dietitian, or other qualified grow taller expert for help in determining your energy needs, evaluating your eating plan, and strategizing ways to eat for performance. Be aware: "personal trainer" isn't a regulated professional specialty. Some trainers are highly qualified grow taller exercise specialists; others aren't.

Contrary to common belief, eating small amounts of fat won't keep your body from storing muscle glycogen to grow taller and bigger muscles. A little fat adds flavor and helps you meet your overall energy needs to grow taller. No discomfort. Skip foods that may cause intestinal discomfort during competition: gas-causing foods such as beans, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, and turnips, and bulky, high-fiber foods such as raw fruits and vegetables with seeds and tough skin, bran, nuts, and seeds.

Familiar foods. Enjoy familiar foods and beverages. This isn't the time to try something new that may disagree with you. During most activities, drinking plenty of fluids is the only real issue. Every fifteen or so minutes, you're wise to drink enough to minimize loss of body weight, without overdrinking: ½ to 2 cups every 15 minutes.

During endurance sports of sixty minutes or more, a slightly sweetened carbohydrate drink (sports drink) or snack may help maintain your blood sugar levels, boost your stamina, and enhance your performance and grow taller. Figure about 0.5 gram of carbohydrate per pound of your body weight per hour.

Sports drinks are easy to digest, especially if you're involved in intense activity. And they count as fluids. Their flavor may encourage their consumption, especially among children. Remember to also drink fluids every fifteen or so minutes!

Make fluids your first priority! First and foremost, after competition or a heavy workout, replace your fluid loss. The amount depends on how much weight you lose through exercise. Simply weight yourself before and afterward; the difference is your water weight. For every pound you lose, drink 3 cups of fluid. And continue to drink fluids throughout the day or several days until you return to your pre-exercise weight if you lost weight.

For every pound of body weight, strive for about 0.5 gram of carbohydrates. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, eat at least 75 grams of carbohydrates. That's easy to do with a high-carbohydrate snack or meal. For strenuous exercise that lasts ninety minutes or longer, consume that much in carbohydrates within thirty minutes after exercise, then again about two hours later. A little protein to grow taller eaten with carbohydrate foods, perhaps milk with cereal, aids recovery.
If you aren't hungry right away, drink juice or a sports drink for fluids and "carbs." Because sports drinks are a diluted source of "carbs," you need to double the amount of sports drink to get the same amount of carbohydrates-for example, 32 ounces of a sports drink and 16 ounces of juice each supply about 50 grams of carbohydrates. When your hunger returns, enjoy a carbohydrate-rich meal or snack.
How about electrolytes? Through perspiration, you lose electrolytes such as sodium. Because the average American diet supplies more than enough to grow taller, enjoy your meal-and perhaps a sports drink-after endurance sports. You'll likely get enough sodium and other electrolytes to replace your losses.
You don't need a salt tablet. It may cause cramping, dehydration, and stomach irritation. Concentrated amounts of salt cause the stomach to draw fluids from other parts of the body as they dilute the salt. For some athletes growing taller a little salt may aid rehydration.

   To learn more about newly improved methods to grow taller 4 smart people go to
   To have free information about how you can grow taller for smart in a healthy way please visit this free info website

How can i make money by blogging

Now I want to give you very confident feeling about making money by blogging since you’re asking the question probably doubtfully “how can I make money by blogging?”
Because you probably won’t make money by blogging if you have so much doubt that you keep quitting every day and setting up different blogs and changing your plans all the time.
People who earn good money with their sites get cash by writing great content that helps people with problems or by making videos or by podcasting and typing up the great posts that encourage and inspire and motivate people to change their lives and cure problems.
If you’re wondering how you can make money by starting a blog you’ll need to start a blog that sells products or services or that is entertaining enough and informational enough for companies to buy advertising on your website. And so you’ll have to write about something that is entertaining and something where people spend a lot of money on like relationships or food or weight loss or debt relief because people are very concerned about that and they spend a lot of money on those problems.
But you have to find something that is meaningful to you so that you will put enough energy into the project to have it earn money.
And you want to create that energy and motivation to follow through and to do the work by imagining how your life would be different if you were able to get the money and cash you need by blogging and with your website. Where would you go and who would you go with and what would you be doing if there was nothing to hold you back in life? If you had enough money what would you be doing and who would you be helping? What do you believe your potential is and how would you make a difference in the world if you had an online income from blogging? Because this is something that can drive you to do all the work you need to do.


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